Keeping Riders Cool

You’ve seen them strolling through the race paddock. Maybe even had photos taken with them. These are the young ladies frequently seen nearby team transporters or strolling through the race paddock in team colors and umbrellas. Paddock Girls, Grid Girls or Umbrella Girls attract attention for the team everywhere they go.
But they have another mission, one that is vitally important for the riders. For roughly 20 minutes prior to the start of the race, riders are poised aboard their machines while journalists, invited guests and team crews scurry around on the starting grid. The Umbrella Girls are on hand to ensure their rider stays out of the sun and as cool as possible.
“With the sun beaming down and reflecting off the asphalt, it can become pretty hot for the riders who are suited and ready to go,” says one young lady for Yamaha Factory Racing. “Our primary job the entire weekend is to help the rider remain cool and composed up until the last possible moment.”
Don’t be hesitant to say “hi” when you see them at the Red Bull United States Grand Prix.