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Will Call

Getting to Will-Call and Registration at the Embassy Suites Seaside / Monterey:

Embassy Suites Hotel
1441 Canyon del Rey
Seaside, CA 93955


San Francisco and San Jose: Take Hwy 101 South to Prunedale, then Hwy 156 West to Hwy 1. Take Hwy 1 South to Seaside (Canyon Del Rey/Hwy 218 exit). Turn left under the freeway, then follow Hwy 218 two blocks to the Embassy Suites Hotel.

Sacramento: Take I-5 South to Hwy 152 West to Hwy 156 West. Take Hwy 101 South to Prunedale, then Hwy 156 West to Hwy 1. Take Hwy 1 South to Seaside (Canyon Del Rey/Hwy 218 exit). Turn left under the freeway, then follow Hwy 218 two blocks to the Embassy Suites Hotel.

Central Valley

Fresno: Take Hwy 99 North to Hwy 152/33 West to 156 West. Take Hwy 101 South to Prunedale, then Hwy 156 West to Hwy 1. Take Hwy 1 South to Seaside (Canyon Del Rey/Hwy 218 exit). Turn left under the freeway, then follow Hwy 218 two blocks to the Embassy Suites Hotel.

Bakersfield: Take I-5 to Hwy 46 West to Hwy 101 North to Salinas (Monterey Peninsula exit). Follow signs to Hwy 68 West. Proceed approximately four miles past the main track entrance to Hwy 218. Turn right on Hwy 218 for approximately 3 miles to the Embassy Suites Hotel.


Los Angeles: Take I-5 North to Hwy 46 West to Paso Robles. Take Hwy 101 North to to Salinas (Monterey Peninsula exit). Follow signs to Hwy 68 West. Proceed approximately four miles past the main track entrance to Hwy 218. Turn right on Hwy 218 for approximately 3 miles to the Embassy Suites Hotel.

Santa Barbara: Take Hwy 101 North to Salinas (Monterey Peninsula exit). Follow signs to Hwy 68 West. Proceed approximately four miles past the main track entrance to Hwy 218. Turn right on Hwy 218 for approximately 3 miles to the Embassy Suites Hotel.

Please follow event specific directional signage from Will Call Center to Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca.

Race Week Hours of Operation for Will Call

Thursday: 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Friday: 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday: 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Sunday: 7 a.m. – 12 noon

1021 Monterey-Salinas Hwy.
Salinas, CA 93908
(831) 242-8201